I didn’t know what to write as conclusion to this blog. I have been very discret recently, trying to unplug, vanishing from facebook and avoiding emails. This article will be short, but it will be enough to explain what’s happening next.
BE.IO is now in standby mode. I’ve written done every details the jury told me to improve it. I think this is a project I should document even more. I won’t work on BE.IO until September, the reason is I started an amazing adventure called Flashgap.
Flashgap is now my main project. This is an app I’m working on, full time, with an amazing team mainly composed of friends. We work really hard on it. I’ll let you follow the link to get the details of the app. But you just need to know it takes the most part of my time!
This blog
I’m actually thinking of how I could continue to blog. I need to let this part of the blog available so people can consult all the articles related to my project. But I also want to blog about… ‘things’. But it is not very clear so I’ll take more time to create interesting and meaningful content. Last thing I want to do is to rush things. Well, I just need to ideate on it !